Mapping the Grocery Shopper's Mobile Path-to-Purchase
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About the report
In this report we look into who the mobile grocery shopper is and what are they buying via mobile, what is the grocery shopper’s mobile path-to-purchase, and how mobile coupons and ads influence shopper behavior.
Table of Contents
List of charts
Who are mobile grocery shoppers?
- Smartphones drive online grocery shopping trend
- Mobile grocery shoppers are young, urban and affluent consumers
- Millennials and generation z drive home delivery of grocery
What’s in the mobile grocery shopper’s basket?
- The mobile food basket includes both fresh, frozen and more
- Mobile shoppers buy household supplies in bulk to stock up and save
What mobile apps do grocery shoppers prefer to use?
- Mobile grocery shoppers prefer apps to mobile browser
- Retailer apps are the most popular grocery shopping app
- Consumers want app features that improve pre-purchase experience
How do grocery shoppers use mobile in their path-to-purchase?
The Awareness Stage
- Shoppers use mobile to collect information during awareness stage
- Retailers can engage shoppers via ads, websites and loyalty programs
The Influence Stage
- Shoppers use mobile for coupons and list management in influence stage
- Shoppers use emails and apps to manage mobile coupons
- Shoppers prefer using mobile devices to create shopping lists
The Conversion Stage
- Shoppers use mobile in-store to review and finalize purchase decisions
- Millennials and moms drive in-store mobile usage in conversion stage
- Millennials and moms most likely to engage with retailer post-purchase
How do mobile coupons impact shopper path-to-purchase?
- Gen X women lead mobile coupon use food, beverage & household
- Mobile coupon users shop more often and spend more per basket
- Mobile coupons add value at all stages in the path-to-purchase
- Mobile coupon users create word of mouth online and offline
- Coupon users want better discovery, storage & redemption experience
How do mobile ads impact shopper path-to-purchase?
- Viewing mobile ads can motivate grocery shoppers to visit stores
- Mobile ads drive purchase for food and personal care products
- Mobile ads influence generation x women shoppers the most
List of Charts
- US consumer online grocery shoppers by device type
- US consumer mobile grocery shoppers by demographic
- US grocery shopper mobile shopping methods by demographic
- US mobile grocery basket for regular usage food items
- US mobile grocery basket for trial usage food items
- US mobile grocery basket for stocking up non-food items
- US mobile grocery basket for bulk value purchase
- US consumer grocery shopping app download trend
- US mobile grocery shopping app users by demographic
- US consumer most popular types of grocery apps by usage
- US consumer most valued grocery app feature
- US grocery shopper mobile usage - Awareness Stage
- US shoppers’ retailer related mobile activity - Awareness Stage
- US grocery shopper mobile usage - Influence Stage
- US consumer coupon saving behavior - Influence Stage
- US consumer shopping list behavior - Influence Stage
- US grocery shopper mobile usage - Conversion Stage
- US grocery shopper in-store mobile usage - Conversion Stage
- US grocery shopper post purchase mobile usage while in store
- US grocery shopper mobile coupon redemption trends
- US shopper metrics comparison for mobile coupon users
- US consumer mobile coupon attitude and behavior
- US mobile coupon user word of mouth behavior post purchase
- US consumer mobile coupon improvement demands
- US consumer lift in store visit as a result of mobile ads
- US consumer products purchased as a result of mobile ads
- US consumer mobile ad driven grocery shoppers by category
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